Sunday, January 25, 2009


I have a great propensity for vulnerability and honesty, which in my opinion go hand-in hand.
One of my favorite artists is Miranda July and she perfectly exemplifies both qualities, exquisitely.

I have decided that along with my
New Year's Resolutions;
-donating money to keep Beverly Exercise on the air

-strive to eat organic/veggie as much as possible

-make my own or try to adhere to a strictly second hand diet of clothing

That I would also document my own journey of presentations that Miranda July and Harrell Fletcher have prescribed out of the compiled book; Learning to Love You More.
There are 70 assignments to date.

The first assignment: 1. Make a child's outfit in an adult size.

"Recreate this jumper in a size that fits you and wear it as much as possible.
Try to use a very similar fabric, it should at least be pink.
You will want to try very hard to make a precise enlargement,
while not getting discouraged by mistakes, or daunted by lack of sewing skills."

My sewing skills are rudimentary, but I will indeed look forward to wearing my half hazard creation with pride.

My hope is to start on this endeavor this first week in February, which will mark the week of my 25th birthday, as well as the week I accept the first paycheck from my new job.
I am hoping to begin posting photographs in addition to blogging my first hand account, as well.

I have a calm excitement about this experience, almost as if it was the first day of December, knowing that the glory of Christmas is soon within my reach.

One Trick Pony.

I tend to be negative and pessimistic at times, and rather start this blog off on the wrong foot,
I much rather introduce myself as I how I would like to be perceived in the world.
I'm doing my best to change.
So, let's try this...

I know nothing.
(That is due to humility, an excellent quality-don't you think?)

I obviously do know something;
like how to ride a bike,
or how to break uncomfortable silences with laughter,
or how to tell if a weird noise from my car is a loose fan belt-or not.

Everyone has their own talents and I would like to share mine,
as I am sure you would like to share yours with others.
Maybe you know how to make the perfect omelet.
Maybe you know how to swallow a handful of pills all at once.
Maybe you can recite the Gettysburg address by heart.

I cannot wait to meet you, all.